Tuesday, October 30, 2012

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all much more spacious, covered with the dark compartment with a window are not the only one studded with copper nails car on the last side of the carriage, this carriage behind, followed by five or six body Knight of colored clothes, headed by long neat mustache Liangpie, appearance side Zhuangjun Ya young knight, the knight dress comes in like a knight should look like, and those behind him, how to look do not like are children of eight by the Knights. such a large group of people originally quite leisurely walk in the wide boulevards.
Suddenly, the thin withered middle-aged man piped up and shouted: absolutely not survive. Listen to look like a monkey, people say this, that two tummy stood up, including a hand arbor efforts to see go to the distant, but he can see only two black dots , as well as behind a billowing smoke fills.
Heard in front of the occurrence of the situation, followed by those knights, a Cemayangbian rush over, which in addition to that, led by Knight, weight identity there is nothing surprising move, the rest of them all dismounted, a to climb the roof you want to see that.
is a young female.
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